The poor lettuce grew sideways because I didn't rotate them! oops.
The tomatoes finally sprouted!
And the pepper plants are getting big!
Here are most of the plants! The pumpkins are really taking off now! I've made sure to water them regularly; my seedlings need water about every few days (depending on the sun). I bought a "daytime bulb" (it looks like it's just tinted to look like day light instead of a yellowish hue) and put it in the lamp about 5" above the seedlings. I think the heat is what is making them grow more than anything. I left it on all night on Tues night (by accident) and there were tomato plants 2 cm high the next day! There was no sign of life the night before! It might be a coincidence, I don't know. Pretty soon, it will be warm enough to put them outside anyhow (during the day).
Here is a picture I took while at a stop sign yesterday! The rain was coming down in sheets! It's a little hard to see in the picture, but trust me it was terrible!
Time to finish my exam! Then I'm done for the semester! woot woot! ;)
As usual, I have more pictures on my flickr account (see link in right hand menu) if you want to peruse them!
Good night!
PS. I'm FUNDED this summer for my project! hurray!!!