I planted most of the seedlings in the garden or in a container; the ones in the container are doing really well!
The ones in the garden are not doing so hot. Things are not as bad as my tomato blight like last year, but I'm still upset. There has been a boom in the slug population and they are devouring my plants! Too much rain all at once.
Here's what the garden looks like these days:
These are the radishes...they are being eaten by slugs.
These are some of the zucchinis, which are being eaten by deer/rabbits. I'm really disappointed.
So I'm going to put some moth balls around the perimeter of the garden...it seemed to work last year.
But this is what the container plants look like:
I've got oodles of lettuce growing, one tomato plant, and a nasturtium.
My tomato plants in the garden aren't doing too well though. :( Hopefully they will catch up! I just planted them yesterday since they are still so small.
One of the nasturtiums in the garden already have a flower! So pretty!
And the peas are looking so good, I think I'm going to plant some more!
That's the flower-I just think they are pretty!
Here's my pumpkin! It's also getting eaten, but not as badly...
And I took some pictures around the yard:
This is what the garden has produced so far! Very excited! The radishes only took about 3 weeks to grow (it might have been more, I'm not really sure)
I just soaked the radishes to get the soil off.
We've also got this surprise sunflower...I think that's what it is anyway...it'll probably end up being a weed!
That's all for now! As usual, I will be posting the rest of my pictures on my flickr site! So check it out!
Toodles! :)
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