Monday, January 31, 2011

Dream Garden

I was day dreaming today, thinking about all the different things I've seen lately in other blogs and books of garden designs and I just had this image of a perfect garden for me.  I really like to read outside, so I would like to build an outdoor room.
I think I would have the same size veggie garden I have now, but instead, I would have a raised bed with a 1 foot border planter around the perimeter to grow herbs and companion plants (does this make sense??) ; I'll draw a picture to post later; almost a "permanent" section for my perennial herbs and garlic.  I would also have separate raised bed for my hot peppers, so they don't cross pollinate with the sweets.  And I'd keep bees, but that isn't for a while because I would have to study them for a while first.  My sister kept bees when we were little, but they had an unfortunate end in a huge winter storm and couldn't be saved.  It was a sad day. They were good little bees.
I would also like to have an arbor-a long one-to put a dining table under to have tea/dinner parties!  :)
I would grow (don't know yet) a plant with large leaves around it for shade and sunflowers.  And I would make a path to another room with couches and chairs and lavender planted all around.
That's about all I've got.  The bees and the arbor and the "living room".  Someday when I have money, I will build it!
As you can tell I'm getting excited for March!  I may start some plants at the end of February so they are a little bigger when I transplant them.

Spring is coming! :)

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