Friday, April 30, 2010

After the Storm

The snow is all gone now, and the daffodils survived, but they are flattened to the ground instead of upright now. 
I cut some of them for mom.  Don't they look pretty?

Patch is chillin' by the indoor garden.
Some of my seedlings are finally coming up after a week!
The lettuce is getting big!
Cucumbers are coming up.
And then I put in the trellises and planted the peas...

I used my hammer and measuring tape...
 And the little garden gnome is just hanging out...
That's all for now!  Going to hang out with Jay for dinner and a movie! 
Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Winter Fun in Spring

So, it snowed yesterday and continued through today.  And not just a dusting, but it was a blizzard!  This is not normal; although it has snowed in June before (but it didn't stick that time). So me and Patch decided to make a day of it and take some pictures!

Just to show how LARGE the snow flakes are!
You can't even see my poor garden layout! I measured it and laid it out the other day; I'll probably have to do it all over again.  You can kind of see the sticks I used as markers.
My decorative bird house is all iced over!
Daffodils and Apple Tree buds; they both got glazed!

Patch is very unhappy with me.  He's being grumpy about the snow.
Here are the trellises I bought for the cukes; Home Depot!  The installation is being delayed by snow.
Deer came to play too!
Inside....the seedlings are nice and warm.  The lettuce popped right up!
Onyx and Patch are very happy to be inside, toasty.

There are more pictures on my flicker site if you want to check them out!  Hope everyone stayed warm!  Our power was a little shaky but at least it didn't stay off! 
Good night!  :)

Friday, April 23, 2010


Every year, me and my mom make a garden together.  This year, we felt adventurous and start our own seedlings.  We got the seeds from the Vesey seeds website.
Since the seeds are from Canada, it took a month to get to VT (which we didn't plan on).

Here are the brands/types I'm using:

Tomato Applause
Tomato Tiny Tim (extra early mini cherry)
Summer Squash Richgreen (early hybrid zucchini)
Pepper Early Jalapeno (Certified Organic)
Pepper Fat 'n Sassy (hybrid sweet green pepper)
Pumpkin Howden (hallowe'en pumpkin)
Cucumber Sultan (Beit-Alpha cucumber)
Beans Stringless Blue Lake (Early Green Pole)

Nasturtium Alaska (Capuchina Alaska)
Garden Bean Burpee's Stringless Green Pod
Pea Super Sugar Snap
Onion Parade

Page's Seeds:
Lettuce Mesclun Blend
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing

Fredonia Seeds:
Radish Early Scarlet Globe

Ferry Morse:

I reused rinsed out yogurt and frosting containers as planters. 

I drilled holes in it with my Black and Decker drill.

 Here's everything I used to plant the seeds.  I love Miracle Grow!

 These seeds are a lot bigger than I expected!
Nasturium are a natural bug repellent.  I've never grown them before, so we'll see if it works.  I have to look up what kind of bugs they repel still.  They will look pretty no matter what!

Since VT is still at risk of frost, I brought the seeds inside.  They don't need to be in the sun, but I put them in front of the window anyways, so I don't have to move them again!
 This is my indoor "garden"  so I can get my gardening fix during the winter.  It's just a plastic shoe mat from Bed Bath and Beyond to stop the dirt and water from running everywhere.
I bought a little gnome the other day from JoAnne Fabrics.  I love him! He's so cute! He makes me giggle!

To tell each plant apart, I labeled the containers with numbers; this way I can reuse the containers next year and not have to match them up exactly with the plants.

Here's the lettuce and spinach I'm trying to grow inside (it's an experiment).  The huge branch is my 2nd attempt to grow a blueberry bush from cuttings (Rootone and water); if it works, then I'll post directions.
That's all for now.  Next thing to do is to measure out my square foot garden!
Ta ta for now!  :)

They've just started to grow leaves! I need to replant some of them.  I grew too many in one area.