Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sick Days

I'm home sick (everyone in my department is sick now that the stress of school is over). So what do I do? Sleep, drink water, and buy a book ALL about CHILIES!
I'm super excited (how dorky)!  It gives the history, cultivation, processing, preservation and cooking with chilies-so literally everything. 
Here's a link:

The book is by Dave DeWitt who is an expert on capsicums.  So far, I am really enjoying this book and suggest it if you really like cooking with chilies; I did a fair bit of research into finding a comprehensive guide on peppers.  I bought it because my boyfriend and I like to cook, and make most things from scratch.  We recently started making our own grilling rubs and wanted to know more about it.  You can download a preview of the book from Barnes and Noble to check it out and see if it's right for you too.  I bought the nook version and read it on my computer because I don't have the color nook.  Plus I use my computer to store all my recipes, so it's convenient for me.  But they also sell it in hardcover.  

Going to get better now!
