Monday, April 4, 2011

Grow, Grow, Snow???

There is a reason why in Vermont they say you shouldn't take your snow tires off until April 15th; it snowed today.  Luckily, it doesn't seem to have stuck!
Some things I have been thinking about are:
1. Testing the soil this year to see if I should add more horse manuer this year or if that would make it too acidic;
2. Fertilizing my garlic;
3. How to get rid of the mushrooms that have appeared in my poo pods!  Apparently the soil had some sort of agent in it and now I have mushrooms-Orange Peel Fungi (I think?)-they aren't poisonous, but I didn't want them.

But here are some of the pictures so far:
Some onions in the front and zucchini and pumpkins on the side are coming up fast!
My zucchini are looking really good! I think they look so pretty when they are seedlings.

The snow from a few weeks ago and my original set up, which had to change due to the dog chewing on my poo pods!  Some evidence of that is shown below:

And finally the start of the nasturtiums and marigolds to ward off predators this year!
And that's about it!

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